The behavior of rabbits

The behavior of rabbits

It is known that domestic rabbits, as wild are crepuscular animals. Their main activity in the food intake, water, and sexual activity occur at dusk or night time.

Day they are less active, are often exposed to various noise influences (mechanisms, a sharp knock, the conversation of unauthorized persons, etc.) that they are very concerned. The animals begin to look around anxiously, excitedly running around the cage beat hind legs on mesh floors, sometimes wounding their plantar side.

The behavior of rabbits

As stated, under the action of continuous noise factors behavior rabbits are unpredictable. In animals, increased body temperature, frequent pulse and respiration rate, reduced activity of the gastrointestinal tract, quenched the sexual reflex, the animals refuse to eat. Hard to tolerate rabbits jigging early, tagging and other operations.

Everything said must be directed breeder-lover on cautious, careful handling of rabbits of any age group.

To care for animals, to hold with them necessary work should be at a certain time and always in constant working clothes, to which animals quickly get used to.

When you have to take the rabbit in hand, the nesting compartment in the cell block and clean the trough, a drinking bowl as needed and litter. Take the animal calm and confident movements and pulled out of the cells.

During the inspection rabbit fingers of the right hand grasp the ears and swinging his head back at the same time take the skin of the neck. In this position the animal behaves calmer, allowing the owner to make a thorough inspection.

In order to examine the abdominal wall and inner surface of limbs, the rabbit turn on his back, holding the left hand under the lumbar-sacral region. In the treatment, surgical treatment using special clamps.

In all cases it is important to consider temperament, type of nervous system of rabbits and pick on a tribe of bunnies and especially males-producers with a strong and balanced nervous system.

The nervous system of rabbits regulates and coordinates the activities of all organs and tissues of the body, communicates with the external environment. Consists of the Central, peripheral and vegetative systems.

The Central nervous system of the rabbit submitted to brain and spinal cord, the peripheral — spinal and cranial nerves. The autonomic nervous system responsible for the regulation of activities of internal organs and metabolic processes. It consists of two divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic.

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