Black fire is a breed of medium-sized and the weight of rabbits black and fire color, due to the fact that the lower part...
Category: rabbit Breeds
Black-brown — domestic breed of large rabbits dark brown color. The color of the skin due to heterogeneity...
The Soviet Marder is a domestic breed of medium-sized rabbits dark & light brown color. Muzzle, ears, tail and paws...
Gray giant — high-yielding breed of large rabbits, gray rabbit (agouti) coloring (rarely dark-gray, iron-gray...
Silver is a breed of large rabbits, silver, uniform over the body color. Just the tip of the muzzle, ears...
Russian ermine — one of the oldest breeds of small rabbits pure white color, with strong luster
Rabbit breed the Rex is bred in the period from 1919 to 1924 in France. In our country the breed was already imported from Germany. Work with...
The new Zealand white is a breed of medium-sized rabbits pure white color. Bred in the USA in 1910 on the basis of selection among...

Rabbit "California breed" – a description of the breed characteristics, the breeding of Californian rabbits, especially maintenance and care
California — breed rabbits of medium size. Colour white, except the ears, nose, paws and tail with...
Recently began to spread rapidly among the breeders lovers of the different zones of the country the rabbits breed...