Rabbits herbivorous animals with a characteristic tooth system inherent in rodents. The main tools they have long and curved, deeply included into the alveoli. The fangs are absent. Between the incisors and the arcades of molars is the toothless area — diastema.
The number of teeth in rabbitdairy — 16, permanent — 28. Cutters he cuts or chews through food, and molars frays it. Cutting teeth have the ability to samozashchita due to the fact that the anterior enamel wall of the incisors have a chisel shape and a sharp cutting edge.
However, in the absence of coarse food there is improper wipe the tooth surface, and the cutters are bent in the oral cavity that leads to the violation of their functions. These teeth, with the wrong setting, cut.
In the mouth the processed food is plentifully moistened with saliva, secreted salivary (parotid, submandibular, sublingual and podglaznye) glands. Kom moist food goes into the pharynx, then the esophagus and stomach.
The stomach of the rabbit is a typical, single-chamberin the form of a horseshoe pouch, a volume of 180— 200 ml. of Gastric juice (hydrochloric acid with the enzyme pepsin), which was isolated gastric glands, is characterized by high acidity and digestive power.
The intestines of rabbits has a relatively large length and capacity. The length of the intestine in rabbits Mature at 9-12 times the length of the body and is 300-550 see It clearly divided into small and large parts.
The ratio of these departments is usually 60% and 40%. In the small intestine further digestion of feed nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates and absorption of their constituent components.
In the large intestine occurs the process of absorption of nutrients and water. Here under the influence of enzymes secreted by microbes, fermentation processes occur, breakdown and digest cellulose, the formation of feces. So, we have considered the basic features digestion of rabbits.