The people of this irreplaceable breed of ducks called the mutebecause birds are able to produce only hissing. Many people think that birds belong to indotcom, but in fact they are representatives of arboreal birds. These ducks are very popular Pets birds, because it is low maintenance and very quickly gain weight. Muscovy duck, breeding and maintenance which will bring You great income with minimal investment, have a calm disposition, which greatly simplifies the process of cultivation.
The subtleties of Content perching ducks
Before buying a bird you must build a house. In the summer time of the year for the ducks stay perfect portable cages or small pens with sheds. Musk ducks are not heat-loving birds, so at night they won't freeze. These birds were bred in warm climates, their body is not designed to adapt to extreme cold, so when temperature is below 10 degrees the birds are encouraged to settle into winter quarters.
Usually ducks in the cold season accumulate subcutaneous fat, which they keep warm, but Musk ducks this feature is not. Winter ducks need a warm and dry place where there will be drafts.
The ducks of this breed, it is very important regularly go to the range, so the yard will also need to equip for the birds. If the weather is nice ducks can be on the table for 10-12 hours a day. Preferably, the yard was 2 times more than the shed so the ducks will feel comfortable and freely. Place for walking need to be protected by a fence or screen height of 1-2 meters. Top also recommended to draw a grid that is able to protect ducks from predators.
In the house have to be several layers of bedding. The bottom layer is not changed, and the top is removed the extent of contamination. At the core layer of bedding is recommended to pour the lime to prevent germs and bacteria. The top layer of litter consisting of sawdust or straw will need to be changed regularly.
Features of breeding musk ducks
Muscovy duck lay eggs during certain periods. First, the oviposition period lasts for 5 months, then there is a gap of 3 months, during the molt. To the ducks was comfortable and they regularly swept, it is recommended to artificially extend daylight hours. Need to start doing it with age of the birds at 5 months old to first egg-laying daylight should be 15-18 hours. Increase daylight to be very careful, if you do it abruptly, then the birds will begin to experience stress and eat their eggs.
Musk ducks are excellent hens, so if for several days to collect the eggs, then begin the process of hatching. When breeding ducks, it is important to know one feature: closely related to communication will lead to unviable offspring or mutated individuals. If the output of offspring in a natural way, the problems should arise. Ducklings survive in 85% of cases. If you raise Chicks in incubatorthe hatchability is reduced by 20% because of a dense shell, which is covered with egg. Hatch ducklings 25-30 a day. Its offspring are fully capable of caring hen. Training Chicks to eat and swim duck work independently.
Perching ducks are a perfect breed, they are great for breeding, the sale of eggs you can earn decent money, and rearing for meat. If you provide the birds a comfortable environment, they very quickly grow and bear healthy offspring.